One of those long hot ass days

Really tried to get down today, but things seemed to get tough, one set of handles did some funky maneuvers after roughing out the palm swell and world not lay flat. No matter what I tried, really frustrating to be cursing along and hit a brick wall. I made a little modification to the one set and moved on to my second trail of the day.

Rough to finish sanding in the vise

The first pair went down like clockwork..but that second set to the right...well I had a few four letter words flying around the shop today.

After both sets where done I got the blades ready for a little stonewashed action, here they are blasted and ready to go in the tumbler

Almost my favorite finishing machine I have..everything seems to get tumbled around here.

After tumble I got my etching station ready to roll. Ferric chloride is the kind of stuff you use outdoors away from all you metal stuff in the shop. This stuff will rust everything you have if exposed for too long.

After the first dunk I decided to change the blade finish from a 400 grit satin, stonewashed. It did not do the knife any justice. I mean it looks okay but could be better.

I decided to take the long way and hand rub the blades to a 600 grit satin finish. So tomorrow we will see how these 2 finish up. Then I have some other stuff to get going on asap.

Good night


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