Putting miles on the Run Ranger Run knife with miles to go!

As promise is the next installment of the work in progress on the 2014 Run Ranger Run "inglorious Basterd" knives.

GallantFew Inc. webpage

Run Ranger Run Facebook

As stated the knives have already been  annealed (softened) drawn, shaped, cut, profiled and drilled.

Below I am measuring the thickness of the blade and then I devided it by two which gives me the exact center then I subtract another 15 which will give me two paralell lives to grind to. as we need to leave some "meat at the edge to survive the heat treat. We should also see a wonderful "Hamon" (HA MON) appear which will be a cloudy ghost like image in the steel! Have to show you what I am talking about later.

I set the height gauge to the numbers and scribe the lines

From there we move to the Knife Maker grinder (KMG) to begin the transformation from file to knife as we grind to the lines it starts to take shape

Then the main bevels get laid in and it will be ready for the heat treat which is really where the knife gets its soul....

So the next few miles is putting them in the oven for the hardening phase.



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