Proto-type knives for E&E kits, BOB's etc For Sale

Just a small knife design which is intended to be incorprated with a "Escape and Evasion" kit, or your Bug out Box, first aid kit etc.


CPM 154 HRc 58-60
.090x1"x3" 1 1/2" cutting edge
Low vis, smooth tumble finish
Sterile/No markings ( if you want a SAR logo just let me know)

Back of sheath is high vis "international Orange" in a pinch could be used as close signal/Marker

Order info
Send me a email at spencer@sarglobaltool.com or sarglobaltool@gmail.com let me know what you may want, I always send a detailed quickbooks invoice for payment.
All items include PP, Shipping and Handling.
All items ship First class parcel ( if you want it faster let me know )
All items usually ship with-in 24 hours
All items shipped overseas will require a little extra to get it there.
I do accept Pay Pal, Postal MO and personal checks. Item will ship when funds are received

Thanks and Happy Independence Day


  1. Spencer,
    I received my BOB and have been carrying it in my front pocket. I have to tell you, this is the most useful knife I carry. I usually carry a Victorinox Cybertool & some type of large folder (normally a Strider, for now a Cold Steel Espada L), so I'm not lacking in edged tools.

    The BOB is is convenient, always handy, & scary sharp. Makes a lot more sense to open or cut boxes with BOB than my big folder, so I attract about ZERO attention from other staff.

    Great design, where do I get more?

  2. Crash,

    Thanks for the feedback, to be truthful it was not a design I had planned on building. But hey if folks are liking it the way they are I will continue to make them.


  3. This knife sounds like the perfect addition for my bug out box.
