Proof of life!

Sorry for the lack of posting, its always hard to balance all the different operations. I have spent some time with the Louisiana economic development working on a business plan, streamlining operations and working towards hiring a employee. When I get ready to hire I will be looking for a US Veteran.

I have been building up my stocks on items such as combs, mirrors and other various things. I did take some time to work on my first knife I ever built from a file. I had always heard from many many people "Files make great knives" they where correct. I fully annealed ( softened ) the blade first then profiled, and partially ground the bevels. I re-hardened the blade then finished it out to a nice 400 grit satin finish with a simple cord wrap. I think this one will go on my belt and maybe I will get to use it on a pig or a deer if I get lucky this year.

File Specs:
Nicholson file Made in the USA Superior Flat Standard
.140x8" OAL with a 3.5" blade
Zero stretch rigging line wrap